I am trying to come up with some good names for the baby chickens. Does anyone have any fun suggestions? Leave a comment below if you do.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Hello everyone,
It is HOT outside, and i'm sick of it. I haven't done much lately but I thought I'd update my page. Chester is on a hunger strike because of the heat he refuses to eat (it's 85 degrees inside the house).
The garden is doing pretty good. The cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, peas and corn are doing well. The Tomatoes are looking a little sickley but most of them are blooming. I am hoping it will rain tonight so everything can get a good drink and have a growth spurt. I am amazed at how many people have gardens this year. I drove through the alleys this morning and about every other house has one. It's pretty neat, they even have a name for it the media calls them recession gardens. Yes, we were junkin' this morning. Sherman found a small tiller someone threw in the trash he's gonna fix it. I didn't find anything. We went to the flea markets this weekend and got some good stuff. I bought an outside playpen for the chickens. My plan was to put it in the part of the garden where nothing is planted. And they were supposed to eat the grass and weeds. Haha the holes were too big and they just walked right out. Guess who's better at catching chickens me or Shermie.... nope you were wrong, It's me. But it sure was fun watching Shermie run around the yard with a net chasing a chicken. I caught two before he was done.
The baby chickens have grown out of the ugly stage and are getting cute again. I have them out in the coop seperated from the big chickens. They are getting friendly but they still don't have names. When I open the coop door they try to jump out. But they don't run away yet. When they get out they get distracted by the big chickens. They just stare in amazement like whoa they are huge! Then Rose tries to peck them.
I put the big ones in the run and gave them Sadies old dog house to sleep in, they like to sleep on top of it though. Rose has become the chicken queen. She likes to chase the other two away if they get too close to me. Apparently I belong to her. How can I tell which one is Rose you may ask if they all look the same. Because Rose doesn't hang out with the other two most of the time. She likes to stand on top of the dog kennel like it's her castle. I have been trying them out on different foods. They say you should give your chickens kitchen scraps. So far I have tried crushed corn flakes, apples, bread, lettuce, popcorn and dog food. Guess which is the only one they would eat. Yep dog food, oh well somebody ought to eat it! Well that's all the news here at the farm.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Dark Side of Chester P. Hound
Up until today he always got into my purse and got the scrunchie and nothing else. But a few minutes ago I got on the computer to check my email. Things were quiet for a few minutes then Chester walked into the room. I looked over and said what's that you got there Chester? Imagine my suprise when I realized it was two dollar bills! I chased him down and pryed his mouth open and got the money back. In the living room I found more money on the floor. I'm not sure what he was going to do with the money but I have my ideas. My guess
is he was planning on trotting down to the store to buy a whole package of scrunchies. So, if you ever come to visit keep your purse with you at all times.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Cooped up!
Today Shermie and I put up Mrs.Sadies new kennel. Then we connected her old kennel to the chicken coop. So the birds are no longer cooped up! They were so happy, by the end of the day they all had green beaks (from eating the grass). Mrs. Sadies new kennel is huge!! Now when I want to put Chester outside I can just put him in the kennel with her. And I don't have to worry about runaway hounds! Those two played all day, Chester is worn out hasn't moved from the couch in hours!! I put Mrs. Sadies new kennel close to the house so I could hear her if she barked, now I am regretting it. She seems to bark at nothing a lot, but my yard is really dark at night so I have to take her word for it. I've got my eye on some solar powered floodlights. Maby I'll make lots of money at my yard sale this weekend!
The garden is pretty much ready I have everything planted except for my tomatoes & cucumbers. It is supposed to frost tonight hope everything will be o.k.
I guess that's all the news for today
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