Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I am sorry to report last night something broke into chicken jail and killed one of the white girls. I have now released the rest of them from chicken jail and put them into the main coop. One of the brownies got pecked earlier today so I think rose is still around, it must have been lilly or violet that died. :(

Friday, July 17, 2009

My favorite cherry tomato plant it grows like a weed and looks different than all the others. Now, if I only knew what it was so I could get more next year!
My Stargazer lillies have bloomed-they are so pretty and you can smell them when you walk by.

This is my garden this week-Growin good but very weedy
Some baby watermelons- so cute!

The brownies perched on their new perch

The white girls in Chicken Jail -look at those combs & wattles!

Cute nappy time picture

Sadie Being cute

An uninvited garden guest!
It's been eating my pumpkins. He must not have seen my rabbit dog!

The corn have ears now- so don't talk about them too loud

Lil Baby Peppers

I am finally getting some produce ready: cherry tomatoes,4 regular tomatoes,4 Zuc.,1 cucumber (shermie ate the other 2)and green beans

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Back yard fireworks in the big town of prospect:

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th

garden pic

so many tomatoes they can't stand up straight- if only they would turn red

ooh baby cauliflower

I bought this lilly last spring and it just now bloomed it's called pandora's box

Well I haven't wrote anything in awhile so I guess I'll give all my 4 followers an update. We just got done watching the fireworks with mom and mark. We watched them at our house this year. The mosquitoes ate me up they even bit me on the butt, not sure how they managed that one. The fireworks were pretty good this year.
As for life at my house it has been pretty busy. Shermie is off work for two weeks :(. It's finally a little cooler it was too darn hot for awhile there. The garden is growing really good. I had a lot of lettuce last week but I have gotten rid of that now. I am getting green beans and squash and a few cherry tomatoes here and there. Hopefully I will get more soon so I can set up a stand in the front yard, and make a little $.
The chickens are getting bigger. The white girls (rose & friends) went to chicken time out, for harassing the brownies. Chicken time out is a cage underneath the pine trees. Rose pecked a hole in buttercups' neck the other day, but she's doing better now. I think I might just build a separate pen for rose & her raptor friends.
The brownies have names now: Buttercup, Gertrude, Pecker, Cinnamon, Foxy Brown and Paprika.
I think that is about all the interesting stuff around here. until next time...........